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The AG Barn Container Is An Indoor Greenhouse Nourished By The Fish Waste


The purpose of this design is to utilize the waste produced by the fish and other aquatic animal crops. The system is divided into two separate units. The first being the aquaculture production system and the second being the aquaponics greenhouse.


In the patented recirculating aquaculture system, the water begins its journey at the pump at the base of the biofilter. This pump pressurizes the water and sends it to oxygen injectors which in turn put the water into the tank. This sets up an oscillating water flow throughout the tank. As the water passes from one end of the tank to the other it is carrying suspended waste solids, while also simulating a water treadmill prompting the fish to swim and develop muscle. At the far end of the tank the water leaves the tank through overflow pipes.  From here the water passes through a rotating drum filter whereby the suspended solid wastes are removed from the fish system and deposited into the digester tank.  The filtered water then is pumped through the biofilter for the removal of ammonium and nitrites. As the water leaves the biofilter it is splashed into a pump sump pit for degassing. At this point the injector pump picks up the water, sending it back to the tanks, thereby completing the recirculating cycle.   

After the waste materials have reached the final stage, a pump set on a timer, transfers the liquid to the plant growing trays. This is generally done two times a day to keep the nutrient level around the plant roots at a desired level. After the trays have been filled with the liquid nutrient the pump shuts down and an internal automatic siphon system removes the water and returns it back to the first compartment of the digester vessel.  The reason for this is so the plant roots are not immersed in stagnant water all the time, which cultivates bacteria and algae. After the water is removed the aggregate media surrounding the plant roots will retain all of the nutrient rich moisture that the plant requires. 

 Harmful Genetic Modification - GMO Food Dangers 

As time goes on, the science behind genetic engineering is no doubt improving. Biotechnology could be the wave of the future and genetically modified foods could really provide alternatives to help increase food production. However, there is a growing wave of concern from citizens, farmers and scientists who question the way the research is currently being handled by a few large, profit-hungry corporations. That is, as well as scientific debates on the merits of genetically engineered food, there are equally, if not more important, debates on the socioeconomic ramifications of the way such science is marketed and used. Critics believe:

  • The problem of food shortages is a political and economic problem.
  • Food shortages and hunger are, and will be, experienced by the poorer nations.
  • GE Food is an expensive technology that the farmers of the developing nations would not be able to afford easily.
  • Patenting laws go against the poor around the world and allow biotech companies to benefit from patenting indigenous knowledge often without consent.
  • This is a very young and untested technology and may not be the answer just yet.
  • Crop uniformity, which the biotech firms are promoting, will reduce genetic diversity making them more vulnerable to disease and pests. This furthers the need for pesticides (often created by the same companies creating and promoting genetically engineered crops).

Hence this leads to questions of the motives of corporations and countries who are using the plight of the developing world as a marketing strategy to gain acceptance of GE food as well as dependency upon it via intellectual property rights. That they are against any labeling or other precautionary steps and measures that states may wish to take is of paramount concern.

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